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- ;=======T=======T========================T==========================================;
- ;===================================================================================;
- xref _LIBFreeSoundMem
- xref _LIBAllocSoundMem
- xref _DPKBase
- xref _SndAlloc
- xref _Octaves
- xref _Volumes
- xdef _LIBAllocAudio
- xdef _LIBFreeAudio
- xdef _LIBSetVolume
- xdef _LIBStopAudio
- xdef _LIBCheckSound
- xdef _SND_Deactivate
- xdef _SND_Activate
- INCLUDE "exec/exec_lib.i"
- INCLUDE "hardware/custom.i"
- INCLUDE "dpkernel/dpkernel.i"
- INCLUDE "system/tracking.i"
- INCLUDE "sound/sound.i"
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;Function: LONG AllocAudio(void)
- ;Short: Attempts to allocate all the audio channels.
- _LIBAllocAudio:
- MOVEM.L D1-D7/A0-A6,-(SP) ;SP = Save all registers.
- move.l _DPKBase,a6 ;a6 = DPKBase.
- tst.w _SndAlloc ;ma = Check if already allocated.
- bne.s .done ;>> = Yes, so just exit.
- move.l $4.w,a6 ;a6 = ExecBase.
- CALL Forbid ;>> = Forbid the system.
- moveq #-1,d0 ;d0 = -1
- CALL AllocSignal ;>> = Get a signal?
- tst.b d0 ;d0 = Did we get it?
- bmi.s .Error ;>> = Error.
- move.b d0,SigBitNum ;ma = Store bit number.
- ;Prepare IORequest
- lea AllocPort(pc),a1 ;a1 = Port.
- move.b d0,15(a1) ;a1 = Set mp_SigBit
- move.l a1,-(SP) ;
- suba.l a1,a1 ;
- CALL FindTask ;>> = Find our task.
- move.l (SP)+,a1
- move.l d0,16(a1) ;a1 = Set mp_SigTask
- lea ReqList(pc),a0
- move.l a0,(a0) ;a0 = NEWLIST begins...
- addq.l #4,(a0) ;a0 = +4
- clr.l 4(a0) ;a0 = Clear
- move.l a0,8(a0) ;a0 = NEWLIST ends...
- ;Open the audio.device (attempt all channels).
- moveq #2,d2 ;d2 = 2.
- lea AllocReq(pc),a1 ;a1 = Ptr to AllocReq.
- lea AUD_Name(pc),a0 ;a0 = Ptr to AudioDeviceName
- moveq #0,d0 ;d0 = 00.
- moveq #0,d1 ;d1 = 00.
- move.l ($4).w,a6 ;a6 = ExecBase.
- CALL OpenDevice ;>> = Open Audio device.
- tst.b d0 ;d0 = Check for error.
- bne.s .Error ;>> = Error, audio in use.
- st AudioDevOpen ;MA = Yes, we managed to open it.
- move.l ($4).w,a6 ;a6 = ExecBase.
- CALL Permit ;>> = Permit the system.
- or.b #2,($bfe001).L ;ma = Turn Sound filter OFF.
- move.w #1,_SndAlloc ;ma = Note allocation.
- .done MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1-D7/A0-A6 ;SP = Return all registers.
- moveq #ERR_OK,d0 ;d0 = No errors.
- rts
- .Error MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1-D7/A0-A6 ;SP = Return all registers.
- moveq #ERR_INUSE,d0 ;d0 = Error, audio in use.
- rts
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;Function: void FreeAudio(void)
- ;Short: Free the audio channels so the system can use them again.
- _LIBFreeAudio:
- MOVEM.L A0-A6/D0-D7,-(SP)
- move.l _DPKBase,a6 ;a6 = DPKBase.
- tst.w _SndAlloc ;ma = Check if we actually own it.
- beq.s .done ;>> = Nope, exit.
- bsr _LIBStopAudio
- move.l ($4).w,a6 ,a6 = ExecBase.
- tst.b AudioDevOpen ;MA = Is it actually open?
- beq.s .rem1 ;>> = No!
- move.w #$000f,$dff096 ;MA = Stop audio DMA
- lea AllocReq(pc),a1 ;a1 =
- CALL CloseDevice ;>> = Close audio.device
- clr.b AudioDevOpen ;MA = No longer open.
- .rem1 moveq #0,d0 ;d0 = 00.
- move.b SigBitNum(pc),d0 ;d0 = Signal.
- bmi.s .rem2 ;>> = No signal.
- CALL FreeSignal ;>> = Free it.
- st SigBitNum ;MA = We don't have it anymore.
- .rem2 and.b #253,($bfe001).l ;MA = Turn Sound filter back ON.
- clr.w _SndAlloc
- .done MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A6/D0-D7 ;SP = Return all registers.
- rts
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;Function: LONG Activate(*Sound [a0])
- ;Short: Play a sound through a channel if it passes the priority test.
- _SND_Activate:
- MOVE.L A6,-(SP) ;SP = Save registers.
- lea $dff000,a6 ;a6 = $dff000.
- move.l SND_Attrib(a0),d0 ;d0 = Sound attributes.
- and.l #SDF_STOPLAST,d0 ;d0 = Should the last play be stopped?
- beq.s .FindChannel ;>> = Nope, leave it.
- ;Deactivate the last channel if the sound is still playing.
- ;This means disabling the channel that the sound last went
- ;through.
- move.w SNDP_LastChannel(a0),d0 ;d0 = Channel number to play in.
- beq.s .FindChannel
- add.w d0,d0 ;d0 = ChanNum*2.
- move.w d0,d1 ;d1 = (ChanNum)*2
- add.w d1,d1 ;d1 = (ChanNum)*4
- lea ChannelSounds(pc),a1 ;a1 = &ChannelSounds array.
- cmp.l (a1,d1.w),a0 ;a1 = Is our sound "still playing"?
- bne.s .FindChannel ;>> = We can play through any channel.
- move.w .Jump(pc,d0.w),d0 ;d0 = Jump offset.
- jmp .Jump(pc,d0.w) ;>> = Play through previous channel.
- .Jump dc.w PSPri1-.Jump ;0 (This channel is actually illegal).
- dc.w PSPri1-.Jump ;1
- dc.w PSPri2-.Jump ;2
- dc.w PSPri3-.Jump ;3
- dc.w PSPri4-.Jump ;4
- .FindChannel
- clr.w SNDP_LastChannel(a0) ;a0 = Clear last channel.
- lea ChannelPri(pc),a1 ;a1 = Pointer to current priorites.
- move.w INTREQR(a6),d0 ;d0 = INTREQR.
- ;Test for channel preference.
- move.l SND_Attrib(a0),d1 ;d1 = Sound attributes.
- btst #SDB_RIGHT,d1 ;d1 = Prefer right?
- bne.s .rightfirst ;>> = Yes.
- btst #SDB_LEFT,d1 ;d1 = Prefer left?
- bne.s .leftfirst ;>> = Yes.
- .anyfirst
- btst #7,d0 ;d0 = Test left.
- bne.s Pspi1 ;>> = Left available.
- btst #8,d0 ;d0 = Test right.
- bne Pspi2 ;>> = Right available.
- btst #9,d0 ;d0 = Test right.
- bne Pspi3 ;>> = Right available.
- btst #10,d0 ;d0 = Test left.
- bne Pspi4 ;>> = Left available.
- bra.s .priorities
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;Right is preferred.
- .rightfirst
- btst #8,d0 ;d0 = Test right.
- bne Pspi2 ;>> = Right available.
- btst #9,d0 ;d0 = Test right.
- bne Pspi3 ;>> = Right available.
- btst #SDB_FORCE,d1 ;d1 = Force on right?
- bne.s .rightpriforce ;>> = Yes, so skip left channels.
- btst #7,d0 ;d0 = Test left.
- bne.s Pspi1 ;>> = Left available.
- btst #10,d0 ;d0 = Test left.
- bne Pspi4 ;>> = Left available.
- bra.s .priorities
- .rightpriforce
- btst #SDB_EMPTY,d1 ;d1 = Only play if channels are empty?
- bne.s .done ;>> = Since there are none empty, exit.
- move.w SND_Priority(a0),d0 ;d0 = Sample Priority.
- cmp.w 2(a1),d0 ;
- bgt Pspi2 ;>> = Chan2, Only play if greater (right)
- cmp.w 4(a1),d0 ;
- bge Pspi3 ;>> = Chan3, Only play if greater/equal (right)
- bra.s .done
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;Left is preferred.
- .leftfirst
- btst #7,d0 ;d0 = Test left.
- bne.s Pspi1 ;>> = Left available.
- btst #10,d0 ;d0 = Test left.
- bne Pspi4 ;>> = Left available.
- btst #SDB_FORCE,d1 ;d1 = Force on left?
- bne.s .leftpriforce ;>> = Yes, so skip right channels.
- btst #8,d0 ;d0 = Test right.
- bne Pspi2 ;>> = Right available.
- btst #9,d0 ;d0 = Test right.
- bne Pspi3 ;>> = Right available.
- bra.s .priorities
- .leftpriforce
- btst #SDB_EMPTY,d1 ;d1 = Only play if channels are empty?
- bne.s .done ;>> = Since there are none empty, exit.
- move.w SND_Priority(a0),d0 ;d0 = Sample Priority.
- cmp.w (a1),d0 ;a1 = < SamplePri?
- bgt.s Pspi1 ;>> = Chan1, Only play if greater (left)
- cmp.w 6(a1),d0 ;
- bge Pspi4 ;>> = Chan4, Only play if greater/equal (left)
- bra.s .done ;
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;If no channels are available, compare the priorities.
- ;
- ;Requires: d1 = Sound attributes.
- .priorities
- btst #SDB_EMPTY,d1 ;d1 = Only play if channels are empty?
- bne.s .done ;>> = Since there are none empty, exit.
- move.w SND_Priority(a0),d0 ;d0 = Sample Priority.
- cmp.w (a1),d0 ;a1 = < SamplePri?
- bgt.s Pspi1 ;>> = Chan1, Only play if greater (left)
- cmp.w 2(a1),d0 ;
- bgt Pspi2 ;>> = Chan2, Only play if greater (right)
- cmp.w 6(a1),d0 ;
- bge Pspi4 ;>> = Chan4, Only play if greater/equal (left)
- cmp.w 4(a1),d0 ;
- bge Pspi3 ;>> = Chan3, Only play if greater/equal (right)
- .done MOVE.L (SP)+,A6 ;a6 = Return registers.
- moveq #ERR_FAILED,d0 ;d0 = Error, failed.
- rts ;Exit.
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- PSPri1: lea ChannelPri(pc),a1 ;a1 = Pointer to current priorites.
- lea $dff000,a6
- btst #7,INTREQR+1(a6) ;a6 = Test channel - is it in use? If
- bne.s Pspi1 ; not, ignore channel priority.
- move.w (a1),d1 ;d1 = Current sound priority.
- cmp.w SND_Priority(a0),d1
- bgt PS1done
- Pspi1: move.w #1,SNDP_LastChannel(a0) ;a0 = Set last channel.
- move.w SND_Priority(a0),(a1) ;a1 = Store new priority.
- move.w #$0001,DMACON(a6) ;a6 = Turn off channel ($0001)
- move.w #$8000+1<<7,INTREQ(a6) ;a6 = Request reset of audio interrupt.
- moveq #80-1,d1 ;d1 = vsync counters to wait.
- .wait0 move.b $7(a6),d0 ;d0 = Waits about 3.4 scan lines.
- .wait1 cmp.b $7(a6),d0
- beq.s .wait1
- dbra d1,.wait0
- move.l SND_Data(a0),AUD0LC(a6)
- move.l SND_Length(a0),d0
- lsr.l #1,d0
- move.w d0,AUD0LEN(a6)
- lea _Octaves,a1
- move.w SND_Octave(a0),d0
- move.w (a1,d0.w),AUD0PER(a6)
- lea _Volumes,a1
- move.w SND_Volume(a0),d0
- add.w d0,d0 ;d0 = (Volume)*2 [word]
- move.w (a1,d0.w),AUD0VOL(a6)
- move.w (a1,d0.w),Chan1Vol
- ;Check volume modulation. Channel 1 is
- ;modulated with channel 2.
- .chkvol move.w #(1<<0),ADKCON(a6)
- move.l SND_Attrib(a0),d1
- btst #SDB_MODVOL,d1
- beq.s .chkper
- move.w #(1<<15)!(1<<0),ADKCON(a6)
- ;Check period modulation. Channel 1 is
- ;modulated with channel 2.
- .chkper move.w #(1<<4),ADKCON(a6)
- move.l SND_Attrib(a0),d1
- btst #SDB_MODPER,d1
- beq.s .chanon
- move.w #(1<<15)!(1<<4),ADKCON(a6)
- ;Turn the channel on so that the sound
- ;plays.
- .chanon move.w #$8001,DMACON(a6) ;Turn channel on. ($8001)
- move.l SND_Attrib(a0),d1
- btst #SDB_REPEAT,d1
- bne.s PS1done
- moveq #40-1,d1 ;d1 = vsync counters to wait - 1
- .wait2 move.b $7(a6),d0 ;Waits only about 1.7 scan lines.
- .wait3 cmp.b $7(a6),d0
- beq.s .wait3
- dbra d1,.wait2
- move.w #1<<7,INTREQ(a6) ;Turn off audio interrupt check.
- move.l #ChipZero,AUD0LC(a6) ;Once audio has recognised us we
- move.w #2,AUD0LEN(a6) ;point the data to zeros.
- PS1done:
- MOVE.L (SP)+,A6
- move.l a0,CS1 ;ma = Note successful sound.
- ;If we need to modulate the sound, we need
- ;to play the Paired sound through channel 2.
- move.l SND_Attrib(a0),d1
- beq.s .done
- move.l SND_Pair(a0),a0
- bsr Pspi2
- .done moveq #ERR_OK,d0
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- PSPri2: lea ChannelPri(pc),a1 ;a1 = Pointer to current priorites.
- lea $dff000,a6
- btst #0,INTREQR(a6) ;Test channel - is it in use? If
- bne.s Pspi2 ; not, ignore channel priority.
- move.w 2(a1),d1 ;d1 = Current sound priority.
- cmp.w SND_Priority(a0),d1
- bgt.s PS1done
- Pspi2: move.w #2,SNDP_LastChannel(a0) ;a0 = Set last channel.
- move.w SND_Priority(a0),2(a1) ;Store new priority.
- move.w #$0002,DMACON(a6) ;Turn off channel.
- move.w #$8000+1<<8,INTREQ(a6) ;Request reset of audio interrupt.
- moveq #80-1,d1 ;d1 = vsync counters to wait.
- .wait0 move.b $7(a6),d0 ;Waits about 3.4 scan lines.
- .wait1 cmp.b $7(a6),d0
- beq.s .wait1
- dbra d1,.wait0
- move.l SND_Data(a0),AUD1LC(a6)
- move.l SND_Length(a0),d0
- lsr.l #1,d0
- move.w d0,AUD1LEN(a6)
- move.w SND_Octave(a0),d0
- lea _Octaves,a1
- move.w (a1,d0.w),AUD1PER(a6)
- lea _Volumes,a1
- move.w SND_Volume(a0),d0
- add.w d0,d0 ;d0 = (Volume)*2 [word]
- move.w (a1,d0.w),AUD1VOL(a6)
- move.w (a1,d0.w),Chan2Vol
- .chkvol move.w #(1<<1),ADKCON(a6)
- move.l SND_Attrib(a0),d1
- btst #SDB_MODVOL,d1
- beq.s .chkper
- move.w #(1<<15)!(1<<1),ADKCON(a6)
- .chkper move.w #(1<<5),ADKCON(a6)
- move.l SND_Attrib(a0),d1
- btst #SDB_MODPER,d1
- beq.s .chanon
- move.w #(1<<15)!(1<<5),ADKCON(a6)
- .chanon move.w #$8002,DMACON(a6) ;Turn channel on. ($8001)
- move.l SND_Attrib(a0),d1
- btst #SDB_REPEAT,d1
- bne.s PS2done
- moveq #40-1,d1 ;d1 = vsync counters to wait - 1
- .wait2 move.b $7(a6),d0 ;Waits only about 1.7 scan lines.
- .wait3 cmp.b $7(a6),d0
- beq.s .wait3
- dbra d1,.wait2
- move.w #1<<8,INTREQ(a6) ;Turn off audio interrupt check.
- move.l #ChipZero,AUD1LC(a6) ;Once audio has recognised us we
- move.w #2,AUD1LEN(a6) ;point the data to zeros.
- PS2done MOVE.L (SP)+,A6
- move.l a0,CS2 ;ma = Note successful sound play.
- ;If we need to modulate the sound, we have
- ;to play the Paired sound through the next channel.
- move.l SND_Attrib(a0),d1
- beq.s .done
- move.l SND_Pair(a0),a0
- bsr Pspi3
- .done moveq #ERR_OK,d0
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- PSPri3: lea ChannelPri(pc),a1 ;a1 = Pointer to current priorites.
- lea $dff000,a6
- btst #1,INTREQR(a6) ;Test channel - is it in use? If
- bne.s Pspi3 ; not, ignore channel priority.
- move.w 4(a1),d1 ;d1 = Current sound priority.
- cmp.w SND_Priority(a0),d1
- bgt.s PS2done
- Pspi3: move.w #3,SNDP_LastChannel(a0) ;a0 = Set last channel.
- move.w SND_Priority(a0),4(a1) ;Store new priority.
- move.w #$0004,DMACON(a6) ;Turn off channel ($0001)
- move.w #$8000+1<<9,INTREQ(a6) ;Request reset of audio interrupt.
- moveq #80-1,d1 ;d1 = vsync counters to wait.
- .wait0 move.b $7(a6),d0 ;Waits about 3.4 scan lines.
- .wait1 cmp.b $7(a6),d0
- beq.s .wait1
- dbra d1,.wait0
- move.l SND_Data(a0),AUD2LC(a6)
- move.l SND_Length(a0),d0
- lsr.l #1,d0
- move.w d0,AUD2LEN(a6)
- move.w SND_Octave(a0),d0
- lea _Octaves,a1
- move.w (a1,d0.w),AUD2PER(a6)
- lea _Volumes,a1
- move.w SND_Volume(a0),d0
- add.w d0,d0 ;d0 = (Volume)*2 [word]
- move.w (a1,d0.w),AUD2VOL(a6)
- move.w (a1,d0.w),Chan3Vol
- .chkvol move.w #(1<<2),ADKCON(a6)
- move.l SND_Attrib(a0),d1
- btst #SDB_MODVOL,d1
- beq.s .chkper
- move.w #(1<<15)!(1<<2),ADKCON(a6)
- .chkper move.w #(1<<6),ADKCON(a6)
- move.l SND_Attrib(a0),d1
- btst #SDB_MODPER,d1
- beq.s .chanon
- move.w #(1<<15)!(1<<6),ADKCON(a6)
- .chanon move.w #$8004,DMACON(a6) ;Turn channel on. ($8001)
- move.l SND_Attrib(a0),d1
- btst #SDB_REPEAT,d1
- bne.s PS3done
- moveq #40-1,d1 ;d1 = vsync counters to wait - 1
- .wait2 move.b $7(a6),d0 ;Waits only about 1.7 scan lines.
- .wait3 cmp.b $7(a6),d0
- beq.s .wait3
- dbra d1,.wait2
- move.w #1<<9,INTREQ(a6) ;Turn off audio interrupt check.
- move.l #ChipZero,AUD2LC(a6) ;Once audio has recognised us we
- move.w #2,AUD2LEN(a6) ;point the data to zeros.
- PS3done MOVE.L (SP)+,A6
- move.l a0,CS3 ;ma = Note successful sound play.
- ;If we need to modulate the sound, we have
- ;to play the Paired sound through the next channel.
- move.l SND_Attrib(a0),d1
- beq.s .done
- move.l SND_Pair(a0),a0
- bsr Pspi4
- .done moveq #ERR_OK,d0
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;Note: Channel 4 cannot modulate anything.
- PSPri4: lea ChannelPri(pc),a1 ;a1 = Pointer to current priorites.
- lea $dff000,a6
- btst #2,INTREQR(a6) ;Test channel - is it in use? If
- bne.s Pspi4 ; not, ignore channel priority.
- move.w 6(a1),d1 ;d1 = Current sound priority.
- cmp.w SND_Priority(a0),d1
- bgt.s PS3done
- Pspi4: move.w #4,SNDP_LastChannel(a0) ;a0 = Set last channel.
- move.w SND_Priority(a0),6(a1) ;Store new priority.
- move.w #$0008,DMACON(a6) ;Turn off channel ($0001)
- move.w #$8000+1<<10,INTREQ(a6) ;Request reset of audio interrupt.
- moveq #80-1,d1 ;d1 = vsync counters to wait.
- .wait0 move.b $7(a6),d0 ;Waits about 3.4 scan lines.
- .wait1 cmp.b $7(a6),d0
- beq.s .wait1
- dbra d1,.wait0
- move.l SND_Data(a0),AUD3LC(a6)
- move.l SND_Length(a0),d0
- lsr.l #1,d0
- move.w d0,AUD3LEN(a6)
- move.w SND_Octave(a0),d0 ;d0 = Octave number.
- lea _Octaves,a1
- move.w (a1,d0.w),AUD3PER(a6)
- lea _Volumes,a1
- move.w SND_Volume(a0),d0 ;d0 = Volume
- add.w d0,d0 ;d0 = (Volume)*2 [word]
- move.w (a1,d0.w),AUD3VOL(a6)
- move.w (a1,d0.w),Chan4Vol
- move.w #$8008,DMACON(a6) ;Turn channel on. ($8001)
- move.l SND_Attrib(a0),d1
- btst #SDB_REPEAT,d1
- bne.s PS4done
- moveq #40-1,d1 ;d1 = vsync counters to wait - 1
- .wait2 move.b $7(a6),d0 ;Waits only about 1.7 scan lines.
- .wait3 cmp.b $7(a6),d0
- beq.s .wait3
- dbra d1,.wait2
- move.w #1<<10,INTREQ(a6) ;Turn off audio interrupt check.
- move.l #ChipZero,AUD3LC(a6) ;Once audio has recognised us we
- move.w #2,AUD3LEN(a6) ;point the data to zeros.
- PS4done MOVE.L (SP)+,A6
- move.l a0,CS4 ;ma = Note successful sound play.
- moveq #ERR_OK,d0
- rts
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;Function: void Deactivate(*Sound [a0])
- ;Short: Stops a Sound from playing any further. All we are really doing is
- ; changing the volume to zero though :-)
- _SND_Deactivate:
- move.w SNDP_LastChannel(a0),d0 ;d0 = Last channel.
- add.w d0,d0 ;d0 = *2
- add.w d0,d0 ;d0 = *4
- lea ChannelSounds(pc),a1 ;a1 = &ChannelSounds array.
- cmp.l (a1,d0.w),a0 ;a0 = Our sound still in play?
- bne.s .notplaying ;>> = Someone else is in the channel.
- move.l VolTable(pc,d0.w),a1 ;d0 = Volume hardware address.
- move.w #0,(a1) ;a1 = Set the audio volume to 0.
- .notplaying
- rts
- VolTable:
- dc.l $dff000+AUD0VOL ;0 [Not relevant]
- dc.l $dff000+AUD0VOL ;1
- dc.l $dff000+AUD1VOL ;2
- dc.l $dff000+AUD2VOL ;3
- dc.l $dff000+AUD3VOL ;4
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;Function: void StopAudio(void)
- ;Short: Stops all the channels so that sound no longer eminates from the
- ; speakers. NB: This function needs to support stopping of music objects.
- _LIBStopAudio:
- lea $dff000,a1
- lea ChipZero,a0
- move.l a0,AUD0LC(a1)
- move.l a0,AUD1LC(a1)
- move.l a0,AUD2LC(a1)
- move.l a0,AUD3LC(a1)
- move.w #2,AUD0LEN(a1)
- move.w #2,AUD1LEN(a1)
- move.w #2,AUD2LEN(a1)
- move.w #2,AUD3LEN(a1)
- move.w #0,AUD0VOL(a1)
- move.w #0,AUD1VOL(a1)
- move.w #0,AUD2VOL(a1)
- move.w #0,AUD3VOL(a1)
- rts
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;Function: LONG CheckSound(*Sound [a0])
- ;Result: Returns NULL (FALSE) if not playing.
- ;Short: This routine will check to see if someone else is playing in the given
- ; Sound's channel. If there is, we have obviously been pushed out of play.
- _LIBCheckSound:
- move.w SNDP_LastChannel(a0),d0 ;d0 = Last channel.
- beq.s .noplay ;>> = No last channel.
- move.w d0,d1 ;d1 = Channel.
- add.w d0,d0 ;d0 = *2
- add.w d0,d0 ;d0 = *4
- lea ChannelSounds(pc),a1 ;a1 = &ChannelSounds array.
- cmp.l (a1,d0.w),a0 ;a0 = Our sound still in play?
- bne.s .noplay ;>> = Someone else is in the channel.
- ;Now check the channel hardware.
- add.w #6,d1 ;d1 = (ChanNum)+6
- move.w $dff000+INTREQR,d0 ;d0 = INTREQR
- btst d1,d0 ;d0 = Check channel bit.
- bne.s .noplay ;>> = Not playing.
- moveq #$01,d0 ;d0 = Sound is playing, return 1.
- rts
- .noplay moveq #$00,d0 ;d0 = Not playing.
- rts
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;Function: LONG SetVolume(*Sound [a0], WORD Volume [d0])
- ;Short: Sets a new volume for a sound.
- ;Result: Returns the old volume.
- _LIBSetVolume:
- move.w SND_Volume(a0),-(SP) ;SP = Save the current volume to the stack.
- cmp.w #101,d0 ;d0 = Check the range.
- bcc.s .exit ;>> = Out of range, exit.
- move.w d0,SND_Volume(a0) ;a0 = Set volume change.
- move.w SNDP_LastChannel(a0),d1 ;d1 = Channel we are playing through.
- add.w d1,d1 ;d1 = ChanNum*2 [word]
- add.w d1,d1 ;d1 = ChanNum*2 [word]
- move.l .VolTab(pc,d1.w),a1 ;a1 = $Volume
- lea _Volumes,a0 ;a0 = $VolumeTable
- add.w d0,d0 ;d0 = (Volume)*2 [word]
- move.w (a0,d0.w),(a1) ;a1 = Convert volume and insert.
- .exit move.w (SP)+,d0 ;d0 = Return the old volume.
- rts
- .VolTab dc.l $dff000+AUD0VOL ;Actually illegal.
- dc.l $dff000+AUD0VOL
- dc.l $dff000+AUD1VOL
- dc.l $dff000+AUD2VOL
- dc.l $dff000+AUD3VOL
- ;===================================================================================;
- ; DATA
- ;===================================================================================;
- ChannelPri: dc.w 0,0,0,0 ;0,1,2,3
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;This array points to each Sound that last played through the available channels.
- ChannelSounds: dc.l 0 ;Null.
- CS1: dc.l 0
- CS2: dc.l 0
- CS3: dc.l 0
- CS4: dc.l 0
- Chan1Vol: dc.w 0
- Chan2Vol: dc.w 0
- Chan3Vol: dc.w 0
- Chan4Vol: dc.w 0
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- AUD_Name: dc.b "audio.device",0
- even
- AudioDevOpen: dc.b 0
- SigBitNum: dc.b -1
- AllocPort: dc.l 0,0 ;succ, pred
- dc.b 4,0 ;NT_MSGPORT
- dc.l 0 ;name
- dc.b 0,0 ;flags = PA_SIGNAL
- dc.l 0 ;task
- ReqList: dc.l 0,0,0 ;list head, tail and tailpred
- dc.b 5,0
- even
- AllocReq: dc.l 0,0
- dc.b 0,127 ;NT_UNKNOWN, use maximum priority (127)
- dc.l 0,AllocPort ;name, replyport
- dc.w 68 ;length
- dc.l 0 ;io_Device
- dc.l 0 ;io_Unit
- dc.w 0 ;io_Command
- dc.b 0,0 ;io_Flags, io_Error
- dc.w 0 ;ioa_AllocKey
- dc.l sttempo ;ioa_Data
- dc.l 1 ;ioa_Length
- dc.w 0,0,0 ;ioa_Period, Volume, Cycles
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;ioa_WriteMsg
- ;These values are the SoundTracker tempos (approx).
- sttempo: dc.w $0f00
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;===================================================================================;
- ChipZero:
- dc.l 0,0
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- EndCode